Science of Nutrition

Noise Pollution is Holding You Back From Optimal Health


Noise pollution isn’t a common factor that is considered for our health and well-being… but it should be.

Do you ever feel like you’re surrounded by constant noise?

You wake up and turn the TV on, hop in the shower and listen to music, jump in the car and tune in to a podcast. Before you know it, you haven’t had a quiet moment in your entire day! 

Maybe you even live in a really noisy city, or your next-door neighbors just can’t seem to keep it down even in the evening hours.

While we may not think much of this besides feeling occasionally annoyed and overwhelmed, the sounds we take in on a daily basis can seriously impact our health.

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We have become so accustom to noise, you may not even realize the serious affects it has on your health.

Noise pollution can show itself in different ways depending on how you normally react to external stressors.

You may notice you wake up not feeling well-rested, or you might become more agitated faster than normal.

Or maybe your brain feels foggy and you can’t seem to focus on even day-to-day tasks.

If any of these are hitting close to home, you may need to stop and pay attention to the noise you are soaking in on a daily basis.

Although you may not be able to move to a quieter location or escape the hustle and bustle of busy cities, there are certain actions that you can take in your own life to cut down on noise pollution.

Things like shutting your door when you’re doing laundry, keeping the TV off when you aren’t actively watching it, and finding quiet rooms in your house to escape to every once in a while are just a few options.

Noise pollution is something that we, as a society, need to start being proactive about.


Listen to Episode 010 to Discover...
  • What noise pollution is and the impact is has on our well-being
  • Various scientific studies about the link between noise pollution and overall health
  • Macro and micro solutions for combating excessive noise
  • Cynthia’s top tips for how you can create a noise-free oasis in your home! 


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