Science of Nutrition

How Your Sleep Position Can Increase Your Risk of Alzheimer’s

We all know that when it comes to achieving optimal health, quality sleep is one of the most underrated success factors.

But, current research now shows that the position in which we sleep could also play a role in our long-term health. 

Despite decades of research and many discoveries about other aspects of sleep, the question of why we sleep has proven difficult to answer.

Cynthia gives an overview of some of the most popular theories and breaks down the current studies that have shown how the position that we sleep in can either help or hurt us, especially when it comes to our neurological wellbeing. 


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Later in the episode, Cynthia is joined by Shawn Stevenson, author of the bestselling books Eat Smarter and Sleep Smarter and host of The Model Health Show podcast.

Shawn dives into his three ​​most practical, sustainable strategies that yield the best results when it comes to getting transformative sleep.

He shares why it’s so important to get natural sunlight exposure at the start of your day, how to be more mindful of your screen time in the evening, and ways to incorporate more sleep-related nutrients into your diet.


Listen to Episode 043 to Discover...
  • Cutting-edge research about the connection between sleep position and neurodegenerative disease prevention 
  • How your quality of sleep impacts every area of your life, including diet, exercise, and mood regulation 
  • Shawn Stevenson’s 3 master tips for getting amazing, transformative sleep
  • The importance of starting your day with sunlight — and how to achieve this no matter where you live
  • The best, most practical superfood sources to optimize your sleep quality


Don’t Miss the Giveaway! 

The first three listeners that leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts will win a free, signed copy of Sleep Smarter! To enter the giveaway, take a screenshot of your review and email it over to us at


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  1. Ashley says:

    Thanks for another great episode! Enjoyed Shawn sharing the actionable sleeping steps and learning of new research that is being done, keep up the great work! I listen through Spotify and have rated their but don’t believe reviews can be left.

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