Spirituality of Nutrition

Transforming Your Approach to the Holidays


When you think of the holidays, does your mind immediately jump to worrying about getting Christmas cards out on time, juggling parties, and budgeting for the latest gadgets on your family’s wishlists?

Or maybe you’re thinking about the people you’re missing this year and struggling to come up with new traditions?

Unfortunately, real-world holidays aren’t always like the Hallmark movies, and this time of year can bring about a lot of unwanted stress, anxiety, frustration, and sadness for many people.

Oftentimes, the holidays means one thing… putting everyone but ourselves first!

As great as it is to see family and friends and to fill our schedules with fun events, you might just need to take a step back from all the holiday cheer and check in with yourself.

If your physical, mental, or spiritual health is taking a hit, that might just be the cause of your holiday blues.


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We want you to love the holiday season, no matter what it looks like for you!

And, we have just the right tips and tricks to be sure you thrive throughout the holidays.

Listen to Episode 011 to Discover...
  • How to follow the principles of Transformational Nutrition during the holiday season
  • The importance of planning and prioritizing meaningful experiences for you and your family
  • Why you should practice mindful eating, especially when it comes to your favorite holiday treats
  • How to say “no” to anything that doesn’t serve you
  • The benefits of taking a step back and remembering what the holiday season is really about


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