Spirituality of Nutrition

Spirituality and Sugar Go Hand in Hand


If you find yourself craving sweets more often than you’d like, there may be an unexpected reason that has to do with the spirituality of sugar.

But, what does that really mean?

Something that we often ask here at the Institute of Transformational Nutrition is, what are you truly hungry for? 

And, in reality, most of the time we aren’t even really hungry for those sweet treats. We’re craving something deeper, something more fulfilling.


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Look, we aren’t saying that it’s your fault.

Sugar in our society has been evolving over hundreds of years and has become almost a necessity to our diets.

And, we’re not saying you should have to deny yourself a slice of birthday cake after you blow out the candles. But, the reality is that many of us struggle with finding deeper connections in life and fill those voids with sugar. 

Why? It’s because there is truth behind the spirituality of sugar that not many people talk about.

From a young age, many of us relate sugar to love, happiness, rewards, and celebration. We eat cake at birthdays, pie at Christmas, candy bars while enjoying a movie, suckers when we visit the doctor, and so on.

When we grow up and start missing those happy feelings, we find comfort in sweet treats. This can lead to a path to sugar addiction.

The good news is that there are ways for us to fill that void with things that are even better than your favorite flavor of ice cream!


Listen to Episode 012 to Discover...
  • Exactly why our body craves sugar (that has to do with more than hunger)
  • The physical and psychological effects of sugar (some of which are the same as illicit drugs!)
  • A historical timeline of how sugar has evolved in our society
  • How you can truly feed yourself without needing sweet treats


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