Psychology of Nutrition

3 Reasons Why Setting Goals is Actually Hurting You

As a coach, you might read the title of this episode and think that someone hacked the show.

But, the reality is that your constant goal-setting might be holding you back from becoming the best version of yourself.

Cynthia breaks down the top three reasons why she doesn’t believe in setting goals for everything in life and how she’s managed to embrace the journey instead of racing to the finish line.


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It can be so easy to fall into the trap of finding all your self-worth and value in your ability to reach a goal.

Sometimes our competitive nature takes over, we get tunnel vision, and we stop at nothing to achieve what we set out for.

In some situations, this can work to your advantage, but it’s important to recognize when it starts to take over your life.

As a recovering chronic goal-setter, Cynthia shares her tips for how to make more well-rounded goals and become more flexible and forgiving when you come up against roadblocks.

Listen in to hear more about reframing your approach to setting and achieving goals.


Listen to Episode 052 to Discover...
  • Key questions to ask yourself about your relationship to goal-setting 
  • How to recognize when your identity becomes wrapped up in your ability to reach milestones 
  • How to become more process-oriented instead of results-oriented 
  • The power of having check-in points and celebrating small wins along the way 
  • What happens when you let go of the pressure to always produce measurable results


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